How to Improve Computer Vision in Autonomous Vehicles using Image Annotation Services?

By Anolytics | 30 January, 2020 in Self Driving | 3 mins read

How to Improve Computer Vision in Autonomous Vehicles using Image Annotation Services?

Self-driving cars need more precise visual training to detect or recognize the objects on the street and ride in the right lane to avoid collisions. Actually, autonomous vehicles can visualize the entire scenario of the natural environment to take action while running on the road. And to perceive the different objects the AI model used for self-driving needs to be trained with accurate machine learning data sets.

In self-driving model training different types of labeled data is used to make the objects recognizable in a different scenario. And image annotation is the technique that can create such training data sets for algorithms training in autonomous model development.

From a high-resolution camera to LIDAR sensors, an autonomous vehicle needs a huge amount of information to perceive it’s surrounding to keep moving safely. So, right here we will discuss the leading image annotations techniques that help to detect, recognize or classify the different types of objects allowing the self-driving vehicles to drive without the help of humans.

Types of Annotations for Autonomous Vehicle Training 

Though, there are diverse image annotation techniques, but few of them like bounding box, cuboid annotation or semantic segmentation is widely used for creating the training data sets for such highly sensitive visual perception models. Hence, we have discussed only the most useful technique that can help you to improve your computer vision-based autonomous driving vehicle model.

2D Bounding Boxes for Object Detection

For simple object detection, 2D bounding box annotation is mainly used, which can easily outline and capture the object of interest and make it recognizable to the computer vision-based perception model used in the development of autonomous vehicles.

Video: Bounding Box Annotation for Machine Learning

Using bounding box, various objects can be annotated including traffic lights, cyclists, pedestrians and other makingsuch objects recognizable to the autonomous vehicle through computer vision. It is basically a 2D bounding box technique for object detection.

3D Cuboid Annotation for in-depth Recognition of Objects

Autonomous vehicles can learn the best scenario from 3D cuboid annotation that helps to recognize through 2D images or videos for precise detection of such objects. Cuboid annotated objects help to depict length, width, and approximate depth of target objects.

Using the 3D cuboid annotation, self-driving cars can sense the distance of each object from the vehicle and measure the spacing avoiding the chances of collision with them. Anolytics provides 3D cuboid annotation with the best level of accuracy for in-depth dimensional object detection.

Semantic Segmentation for Better Understanding of Surroundings 

The semantic segmentation image annotation technique helps to the visual perception of autonomous vehicles through computer vision. Images are annotated with pixel-level accuracy to visualize the multiple types of objects detected, classified and the segment of the same class as a single entity.

It can segment various objects on the street likea street lamp,road,vehicle, building, pedestrian, sky, etc. to aid in scene understanding. Anolytics can create data sets of such high-resolution images with semantic segmentation to identify the objects and events for situational understandings accurately.

Also Read: How To Label Data For Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning Models?

Line or Polyline Annotation for Precise Lane Detection on Road 

Line annotationshelp autonomous vehicles detect the path and define the lane while moving on the road. Spline or polylines helps to detect all types of lanes on varied roads including city streets or highways making various types of road surface marking recognizable to autonomous vehicles.

Video: Polylines Image Annotation Services for Machine Learning & AI

Anolytics can annotate road lanes including shoulder lanes, single lane, broken lane, double lane and sidewalks or edge roads for accurate lane detection by self-driving cars. It can develop training data sets with edge-to-edge marking through the polyline annotation technique at best pricing.

Polygon Annotation for Irregular Shaped Objects Recognition 

While moving on the street there are many objects in irregular shapes, like road marking coarse objects which need another technique of annotation for detection. Polygon annotation can help to make such irregular shape object recognizable to self-driving cars.

Anolytics are providing the polygon annotation with the right mix of semantic segmentation for asymmetrical objects detection observing by visual perception models more accurate.It can annotate road marking, road signboards, logos and other vehicles in polygon shapes.

Video: Polygon Annotation Service for Computer Vision

These image annotations techniques can help your computer vision-based algorithm for autonomous vehicles to better understand the scenario and work without any trouble. Each image is annotated with world-class tools and software to create high-quality training data sets for autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars at best pricing with timely delivery of projects.

Anolytics is one of the leading data annotation company, offers a one-stop solution for self-driving car developers to obtain the autonomous vehicle driving training data as per their customized needs. It is providing the in-demand image annotation services with all types of techniques required for computer vision algorithm training in self-driving cars and autonomous vehicle driving.

Also Read: Five Reasons Why You Need To Outsource Your Data Annotation Project

It is working with well-trained and highly skilled experienced annotators to ensure the quality of training data promising AI developers to build a world-class autonomous driving prototype at a low cost. Image annotation service offered by Anolytics provides a real-world scenario of surroundings to visual perception self-driving cars model helping to move safely without any trouble.

If you wish to learn more about Anolytics’s data annotation services,
please contact our expert.
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